Sunday, September 20, 2009

Turkish Lessons :-)

Learning Turkish Language Difficulties: Sentence Structure

You have to re-sequence the word order of an English sentence in order to create a correctly structured,meaningful Turkish sentence.
For example,let's consider the following...

"The restaurant where we are going to eat is at the corner of this street."

In Spanish and French,the shape of that sentence remains the same when it's translated.And we've read that the same would be true if you translated it to Russian,Greek,and even Arabic. But in Turkish,the shape is quite different... (same in Japanese,Korean as they belong to the same language family Altaic Group)
English: The restaurant where we are going to eat is at the corner of this street. Turkish translation: Yemek yiyeceğimiz restoran bu sokağın köşesindedir.
Eat-future-our-restaurant, this-street's corner-its-at-is.

Did it set your head to spinning ? :-)

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